When to choose “Delivery”
When you want us to retrieve an item from the shelf for you, and our catalog has the item as being ‘in place’ and says ‘available’, choose “Delivery”.
‘Item in place’ means it should be in place on the library shelves and Loanable means it’s available to check out. Titles not found on the shelf will be referred to Interlibrary Loan automatically.
When to choose Digitization:
The Libraries can scan limited articles and book chapters for you from titles we own and are available in our catalog. Choose Digitization to receive a PDF of the chapter/article you want.
When to choose Request book from another library through ILL:
If an item is ‘On loan until…’, or does not show as loanable, choose “Request book from another library through ILL”.
‘On loan until…’, means the item has been checked out or is already in use.
Choosing this option will direct you to the Interlibrary Loan site to request your item. Interlibrary Loan tries to find and borrow it from another library like Lincoln City Library or the University of Chicago. Although Delivery is an option, it will be forwarded to Interlibrary Loan if not found on the shelf.