To search for a specific article, you will use its citation, the descriptive information unique to that article (title, journal title, author, publication date, etc.)
There are several ways to do a citation search:
Quick Search: All
Search by the title of the article in the Quick Search: All search box
If there is a match, you will see a record with a link to the full-text of the article.
This is a good, quick first search to try.
Google Scholar
Use the link to Google Scholar from the Libraries' A-Z Databases list.
Using this link to GS will ensure that the search includes library resources as well.
Search by the title of the article in the GS search box.
Putting the title in quotation marks (" ") is often helpful.
If there is a match, you will see a link to the full-text of the article on the right-hand side of the screen.
The full-text link may be to a publicly accessible version on the web and/or it might be to a Libraries database.
Quick Search: Journal search
If neither of those options works, you can also try searching the UNL Library Catalog by the title of the journal.
If the Libraries has print or online access to the journal check to see that the coverage dates match the publication year of your article.
You should be able to link directly to the online journal and find your article.
If your article is not available in either print or digital format through the Libraries, you can use Interlibrary Loan to request a digital copy from another library.