Answered By: Erica DeFrain
Last Updated: Mar 08, 2024     Views: 135

UNL Libraries provides access to hundreds of independent, social-issue, and environmental films from Docuseek2, an Alexander Street Press streaming video collection. You can easily embed these videos directly into Canvas by doing the following:

  1. Find the video title you would like to embed by searching the Docuseek2 Complete Collection (you can also search for videos using the Alexander Street Video tool in Canvas, but you will see many titles that are preview only).
  2. Log into Canvas and go to the discussion, page, assignment, or announcement that you would like to add the video to.
  3. in the Rich Content Editor toolbar, click on the More External Tools icon and select Alexander Street Video.
  4. Enter the title of the video if you have one, otherwise you may search by keyword.

    If you are searching by keyword, expand the search filters to find more relevant content.

  5. Filter options include subject, publisher, person, content type, language, and release date.

    When reviewing results, make sure your video is not labeled as Preview version.


    5. Once you've found your video, select Embed Medium size (recommended) to insert a 640 x 390 size video. The Embed Large size is 1024 x 768.

    The video should now be embedded and ready for viewing.

    Example of embedded video


  6. All videos include closed captions, transcripts, full screen option, citations, and more.

    Locations of closed captions, transcripts, etc.